Privacy policy

Techeol invites you to read its privacy policy to find out the rules it applies regarding the protection of personal information collected by technological means.


1- Collection and use of your personal information

Techeol collects some of your personal information, including when:

  • the use of its website
  • an application for an online position (name, surname, email, telephone, CV, etc.)
  • a complaint, denunciation or report;

This information is necessary, among other things, to:

  • The proper functioning of the website
  • To identify you (e.g., name, email address, mailing address, telephone number);


2- Consent

When we collect and use your personal information, we always do so for specific purposes. Your consent is valid for as long as necessary to achieve these purposes. We may then retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill our retention obligations and in our retention schedule. Techeol will need to obtain new consent for any other use of the information already collected, except as permitted by law.


3- Transparence

When Techeol asks you to provide personal information, you are informed in advance of the following:

  • Name of the organization on whose behalf the collection is made;
  • Purposes for which the information is collected;
  • The means by which the information is collected;
  • Mandatory or optional;
  • Consequences for you, or as the case may be, for a third party, of refusing to respond to the request or withdrawing consent to the disclosure or use of the information;
  • Rights of access and rectification of information provided for in the Act.


4- Disclosure of your personal information

Personal information collected by Techeol may be shared with other individuals or organizations with your consent. In addition, in cases permitted by law, Techeol may be required to disclose your personal information without your consent.


5- Use of cookies

Techeol uses Google Analytics to collect information about your browsing, such as the pages you viewed, your interactions within the pages, the length of your visit, your operating system, etc. This information is used for statistical purposes to improve your experience. We cannot associate this data with an individual.

Information Collected by Cookies

We collect the following information:

  • Operating system (e.g., Mac OS, Windows);
  • IP address;
  • Device type and model (e.g., iPhone 11);
  • The screen resolution of the device;
  • The type, language, version and version of the browser (e.g., Chrome, Safari) and other related data;
  • The domain of the previous site visited (e.g.,;
  • The pages viewed.

To learn more about Techeol’s use of cookies and the information it collects, please see our Cookie Policy.


6- Links to external sites

Techeol’s website provides hyperlinks to government sites or sites of public or private organizations, in Quebec and elsewhere. The information exchanged on these sites is not subject to the privacy policy of Techeol’s website, but to that of the external site. Techeol does not guarantee the quality or general content of these sites and does not verify the security or privacy policies of such sites. The links provided to facilitate your research do not engage the responsibility of Techeol.


7- Retention of Personal Information

The personal information collected by Techeol is stored in Canada. We only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, subject to the policies of Techeol’s third-party service providers.

8- Security of your data

All personal and confidential information collected is kept in a secure environment. Techeol implements security and access management measures according to the level of protection applicable to the information processed. Only authorized personnel may have access to this information, to the extent that it is necessary for the performance of their duties.

Service providers external to Techeol can also access it. Techeol ensures that these providers apply the same rules regarding the protection of personal information.

Techeol is committed to informing you in the event of an incident affecting the protection of your personal information and presenting a risk of serious harm.


9- Website Visitors’ Rights Regarding Personal Information

Techeol is committed to respecting your rights regarding consent, use and retention of your personal information. In some cases, we may need to retain certain personal information to comply with our legal obligations.

To obtain access to or correct your personal information, you must send a written request, by mail or email, to the Access to Information and Privacy Officer. You can find their contact details at the end of this policy.


10- Complaint

If you have any questions or comments about this policy or if you believe that Techeol or any of its staff members have not complied with this policy or that your personal information has been handled inappropriately, you may make a complaint to the person responsible for access to information and privacy, contact details can be found at the end of this policy.


11- Access to Information Officer

Janique Guénette
Information access and privacy officer


163 Route 132 East
Sayabec, Quebec
G0J 3K0

Phone: (418) 536-5453

Email: [email protected]

Effective Date: July 1, 2024